

We are proud to provide a world class Montessori Education.



Our classes are guided by teachers who all hold Montessori teaching credentials.



An education that is internationally known. Montessori graduates from Jeff Bezos, Larry Page & Sergei Brin (founders of Google), Yo Yo Ma, U.S. President Wilson, Taylor Swift, Fujii Sota, and many more!



We are a reputable Montessori school serving students in Tokyo for over 30 years.



We offer various After-School programs for our current students, graduates, and students outside of Bambini. Programs varying from abacus class, Chinese, programming, and more!

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RED Bambini Montessori International School

Red Bambini Montessori International School, formerly known as Rainbow International Montessori School, was founded in 1993, began by serving just 5 students. For over 30 years our school has evolved to having over 2,800 graduates. Our comfortable classroom environment encourages diversity, collaborative learning, freedom for a child to question, think critically, and to express themselves confidently.

The goal of early childhood education is to awaken children‘s natural desire to learn.

Why Montessori Education?

Internationally recognized

Montessori has been flourishing around the globe and has countless graduates who have become internationally recognized. From Jeff Bezos, Larry Page & Sergei Brin (founders of Google), Prince William, Prince Harry, Thomas Edison, George Clooney, Yo Yo Ma, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, Taylor Swift, Fuji Sota, and many more!

“Montessori helped me become the person I am today”.

All parents recognize the importance and lasting impact early childhood education has on a child’s development, future, and way of thinking. Ages 0-6 are a critical time which sets a strong foundation for a child. In Montessori we guide children to have a strong sense of self, learn to connect with others, and discover the environment which surrounds them.

“We both went to Montessori school, and I think it was part of that training … of being self-motivated, questioning what’s going on in the world, doing things a little bit different. – Larry Page – CEO, Co-Founder of Google

Classroom Environment

A Montessori classroom is thoughtfully designed to offer children opportunities to grow to their greatest potential, whether it is learning how to dress themselves independently, multiply and divide a multi-digit equation, communicate their thoughts and feelings effectively, or problem solve with others. Each classroom is filled with developmentally appropriate activities that sparks a child’s interest through its beauty and complexity.

In a Montessori classroom, teachers assess each individual student daily, using these observations teachers will guide and teach students new lessons and materials. Teachers recognize these moments of interest and moments a child is absorbing knowledge and ensure that they are exposed to the full sequence of lessons in each area while providing support and new challenges as needed.

“I really like Montessori and all my children have (or will, in the case of the baby) gone to Montessori preschools”
⁃ Jimmy Wales (Founder of Wikipedia)

Three Classes

Bumblebee Class

12 months – 2 years old

(readiness based on teachers' observation)

Ladybug Class

24 months - 3 years old

(potty trained & readiness based on teachers observation)

Butterfly Class

3 years old – 6 years old


Red Bambini Montessori offers a variety of afterschool programs.


Red Bambini Montessori International School offers a variety of afterschool activities starting at 3:30 p.m. Both children attending Japanese elementary schools and elementary school children attending international schools are welcome to attend.

After-School Studies

Homework help, Math, Workbooks, Montessori, Japanese reading/writing, English lessons… and more! Before enrollment, teachers will discuss with parents to curate a lesson plan for their child.

Summer and Winter School

Summer Session and Winter Camp are available for Bambini students and outside students. Please contact us for more information.

Internationally recognized Montessori graduates.

Countless graduates who have become internationally recognized. From Jeff Bezos, Elon, Larry Page & Sergei Brin (founders of Google), Prince William, Prince Harry, Thomas Edison, George Clooney, Yo Yo Ma, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, Taylor Swift, Fuji Sota, and many more!

“I do not believe there is a method better than Montessori for making children sensitive to the beauties of the world and awakening their curiosity regarding the secrets of life.”
Gabriel Garcia Marquez – Nobel Prize Winner for Literature.

An authentic Montessori curriculum in harmony with Dr. Maria Montessori's philosophies.

“I discovered that children learn naturally through activity, and that their characters develop through freedom. But these are general principles, which require practical application, and the Montessori materials have been evolved to meet this need.” – Maria Montessori

All classes are taught in English and are guided by teachers who hold Montessori diplomas.

The greatest strength of a Montessori education is its respect towards each child and its support to help every child grow to their greatest potential.

Montessori education backed by over thirty years of experience.

We invite you to join us for a school tour.

Various After-School programs.

With dedicated teachers who are experts in their field. From abacus (soroban) class, dance & yoga, Chinese langauge, and Japanese classes. Also offering a full summer school and winter school curriculum.

Join us for a tour.
Join us for a tour.
Already planned to enroll? Submit your child’s application form by clicking here.
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